So every year I look forward to the New Year because I always feel it's a time to forget the year behind you, appreciate all that you gained, and a renewed hope to accomplish new goals.
This year has been a renewal for me. I've been fighting for work since there isn't much of it in this country right now....Normally, I am the type of person who does not conform to others and does things when it's convenient for me. Well last Thursday I became an adult. My boss had text me asking if I could work from 1p.m. - 5p.m. and consequently due to my night owl habits I did not wake up until 1 p.m. Normally I would have felt it was too late to go in. However, instead I text her immediately saying I just received her text and would she still need me...She did and I immediately prepared myself and went. After this experience I really understand how much I need to work and employers own me. However, once I am a teacher I will be glad to be owned.
Recently, some things have transpired that have made me feel down, which is easy to do. I feel like I'm tired of fighting and struggling when I work hard for everything I have. These events have renewed my energy and efforts to make the dream come true. I will only say this, I have my guns out now and those who wish to stand in my way or wish to destroy my dream better look out because I am not afraid to use them! Furthermore, I must give credit to my one true love, who's undying support inspires me to continue and fight harder. There are too many days I'd like to stay in bed and cover my head, but his inspiration causes me to fight harder...
Sometimes we have to remind ourselves of our own philosophies and mottoes, which have made us stronger and better. I'd like to remind myself here how long and hard I have prayed for this dream to come true and in return I will work harder than I ever have in my life. May Quan Yin have mercy on me and Tara send her prosperity to my doorstep.