

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Satori~ A Moment of Clarity

I feel melancholic today. Most people won't be surprised by that because it seems that's how the see me most of the time. However, most of the time I keep my spirits up and I keep on going and working towards the dream.

The last thing I wanted to do today was put on a martial arts uniform. I was feeling under the weather, not to mention it was blazing hot and humid and the last thing I wanted to do was to put on a martial arts uniform, which would make me hotter. Still I did it and I endured it. Once I got past my own mind (the ultimate "nay-sayer" in my opinion) everything was grand. 

I guess I feel tired. I know there are other people who work much harder than I do, but still I'm tired. Three years straight I've gone to school with only one month's worth of rest a year. I love going to school, but right now I'm just tired. Then years and years of Japanese, and still I'm so far from fluent it feels like a dream to far to touch. Martial arts, I love it, but every week I fight harder and work harder to be better or least I try to be. Last but not least is all the leeches I've worked for who've tried to suck out my spirit and keep me in this cess pool that's been my home. Not anymore....

Just let me have a rest? Please mum five more minutes until I have to wake up? Soon the dream will begin.....